Australian High Commission

Childmigration page 1

Child Migration

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All documents and supporting material should be enclosed in your application. Please note, however, that health and character checks are required for all clients. Do not undertake these checks until the Australian High Commission requests to do so.

For further information about Child Migration, please visit DIBP\'s main website at and/or download our Child Migration Frequently Asked Questions (20KB PDF file).

The documents and supporting material we require for Child Migration applicants are set out in the following checklists: 

Subclass 101 document checklist – if you are applying for a Child Visa

Subclass 102 document checklist – if you are applying for an Adoption Visa

Subclass 117 document checklist – if you are applying for an Orphan Relative Visa

Subclass 445 document checklist – if you are applying for an Extended Eligibility Visa

▪ Visa Application Charge - see Visa Fees

▪ Custody and access arrangements for children under 18 years of age. If you believe that you have sole custody and access rights in relation to your child please provide one of the following:

▪ Completed Form 1229 – Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years

▪ A statutory declaration completed by the parent giving the permission. This needs to be accompanied by a certified copy of their identification (example passport or drivers licence)

▪ A court order obtained from the child’s home country by the migrating parent which permits them to permanently remove the child from the child’s home country or grant them the right to determine where the child lives 

▪ Customary adoptions are relatively common in some parts of the Pacific. If you have a dependant adopted child who was legally or customarily adopted, please contact the nearest Australian mission for advice on what you need to provide as evidence of dependency and custody.

▪ If the sponsor wishes to be able to receive information from us about the application, they must be authorised to do so via the Form 956 - Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance (119KB PDF file)

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